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Frequently asked questions

What is YTMP3?

YTMP3 is an online tool that allows users to convert YouTube videos into MP3 (audio) or MP4 (video) formats. It is commonly used to extract the audio from YouTube videos for offline listening.

Is the site free from intrusive ads and unwanted content?

Yes, our site is carefully monitored to ensure a clean browsing experience, free from pop-ups, misleading advertisements, and harmful content.

Is there a limit on the number of videos I can convert?

No, there are no limits for conversions. You can convert as many videos as you want. However, in some cases, we may impose limits on very large videos to ensure optimal performance for our servers.

Does the site work on computer and mobile?

Yes, it is fully compatible with all devices, including desktop and mobile browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. It’s also optimized for both iOS and Android, ensuring a smooth and user friendly browsing experience across all platforms.

There is a problem with the conversion

At times, the site may not function as expected. We are always aware of such issues and work actively to resolve them. However, if the site is down for more than 6 hours, please don't hesitate to contact us.